June 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
24.06.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: The Global Grid |
Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (ETH Zurich) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
17.06.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Challenges and future trends in security constrained optimal power flow computations |
Florin Capitanescu (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
May 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
20.05.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Role of Robust Control and State Estimation in Future Electricity Networks |
Bikash Pal (Imperial College London) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
12.05.2011 (Thursday) |
10.00 |
DYSCO study day |
Colonster, Liege |
06.05.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Extended formulations, non-negative factorizations and randomized communication protocols |
Samuel Fiorini (ULB) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
April 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
29.04.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Analysis of Classification-based Policy Iteration Algorithms |
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (NRIA Lille) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
15.04.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Towards MDPs and POMDPs for Marketing Optimization |
Dirk Van den Poel (UGent) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
11.04.2011 (Monday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Reward Preferences in Reinforcement Learning |
Daniel J. Lizotte (Institute for Social Research - University of Michigan) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
08.04.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Text Classification as a Sequential Reading Process: Machine Learning with External Ressources |
Ludovic Denoyer (LIP6 - Paris 6) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
01.04.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Protection of distribution networks with distributed generation |
Peter Crossley (University of Manchester) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
March 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
31.03.2011 (Thursday) |
14.30 |
PhD defense seminar: Parameter Identification for Biological Models |
Dirk Fey (ULg) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
31.03.2011 (Thursday) |
10.30 |
Seminar: A stochastic bi-scale model of cellular damages caused by radiation therapies |
Thierry Bastogne (Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy - Nancy-Université) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
31.03.2011 (Thursday) |
09.30 |
Seminar: Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems: From Stabilization to Path Following |
Rolf Findeisen (University Magdeburg) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
25.03.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Bayesian Model-Based Reinforcement Learning |
Nikos Vlassis (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
22.03.2011 (Tuesday) |
16.00 |
Seminar: The PageRank Computation in Google, Randomized Algorithms and Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems |
Roberto Tempo (Politecnico di Torino) |
Room 1.97, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
11.03.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Dynamical Lyapunov functions for the control of switched systems |
Raphaël Jungers (UCL) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
04.03.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Bandit problems with many arms |
Jia Yuan Yu (Ecole Normale Supérieure) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
February 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
25.02.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Some basics of quantum control: introduction and application |
Alain Sarlette (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
24.02.2011 (Thursday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Feature Selection |
Michèle Sebag (INRIA Saclay) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
24.02.2011 (Thursday) |
10.00 |
Seminar: Optimism for decision making |
Rémi Munos (INRIA Lille) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
18.02.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Simple MIPs and Lot-Sizing: Theory and Computation |
Laurence Wolsey (UCL) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
11.02.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Synchronization of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems: an Input-Output Approach |
Luca Scardovi (TU Munich) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
January 2011
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
28.01.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Motor primitives for human-centered robotics: applications in state filtering, impedance control, and adaptive control |
Renaud Ronsse (UCL) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
21.01.2011 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Reinforcement Learning with Regularization Networks |
Tobias Jung (UT Austin) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
04.01.2011 (Tuesday) |
14.00 |
Seminar: Probabilistic Inference and Learning for Control |
Marc Deisenroth (University of Washington) |
Room II.93, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
December 2010
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
21.12.2010 (Tuesday) |
15.00 |
PhD defense seminar: Supervised Learning for Sequential and Uncertain Decision Making Problems -- Application to Short-Term Electric Power Generation Scheduling |
Events:2010-2011 |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
20.12.2010 (Monday) |
15.00 |
PhD defense seminar: Machine Learning Solution Methods for Multistage Stochastic Programming |
Boris Defourny (ULg) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
20.12.2010 (Monday) |
09.00 |
Mini-workshop: Stochastic programming and machine learning |
Events:2010-2011 |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
03.12.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Introduction to mathematical morphology |
Marc Van Droogenbroeck (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
November 2010
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
26.11.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Periodic orbits of nonlinear mechanical systems: computation, interpretation and constructive utilization |
Gaetan Kerschen (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
18. till 19.11.2010 (Thursday to Friday) |
Control workshop |
Events:2010-2011 |
05.11.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: An algorithm for the separation of two-row cuts |
Laurent Poirrier (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
October 2010
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
28. till 29.10.2010 (Thursday to Friday) |
DYSCO research meeting |
DYSCO research meeting |
Château-Ferme de Profondval Chemin de Profondval |
22.10.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Computational Experiments with Multi-Row Cuts |
Franz Wesselmann (Universität Paderborn) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
20.10.2010 (Wednesday) |
11.00 |
Event: Research Unit Day 2010 |
www.ranchdondiego.be |
Ranch Don Diego |
15.10.2010 (Friday) |
16.15 |
Special departmental seminar on the occasion of the Doctor Honoris Causa degree ceremony |
Jan C. Willems (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) |
Auditorium 304, Amphithéâtres de l'Europe |
08.10.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: A Relax-and-Cut Framework for Gomory's Mixed-Integer Cuts |
Domenico Salvagnin (Università di Padova) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
01.10.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Model reduction of large-scale systems |
Athanasios Antoulas (Rice University) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
September 2010
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
24.09.2010 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Efficient reinforcement learning for control |
Lucian Busoniu (TU Delft) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
August 2010
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
19.08.2010 (Thursday) |
14.30 |
Seminar: Towards intelligent electricity and water infrastructures |
Rudy Negenborn (TU Delft) |
Room 2.93, Montefiore Institute (B28) |