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Most publications of the research unit are updated on the public repository ORBi of University of Liège.

Below is a list of papers/preprints by the research unit (updated bimonthly).

  1. V. A. Huynh-Thu, Y. Saeys, L. Wehenkel and P. Geurts, Statistical interpretation of machine learning-based feature importance scores for biomarker discovery, Bioinformatics, 2012.
  2. M. Glavic and T. Van Cutsem, Reconstructing and Tracking Network State from a Limited Number of Synchrophasor Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Power, 2012.
  3. H. Samuel, P. Geurts and L. Wehenkhel, Comparator selection for RPC with many labels, 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2012.
  4. F. Schnitzler, P. Geurts and L. Wehenkhel, Mixtures of Bagged Markov Tree Ensembles, Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, 2012.
  5. S. Bubeck, D. Ernst and A. Garivier, Optimal discovery with probabilistic expert advice, Proceedings of the 51st IEEE CDC (to appear), 2012.
  6. Q. Gemine, F. Safadi, D. Ernst and R. Fonteneau, Imitative learning for real-time strategy games, Proceedings of the IEEE CIG (to appear), 2012.
  7. Q. Louveaux and L. Poirrier, An algorithm for the separation of two-row cuts, Mathematical Programming (in press), 2012.
  8. R. Fonteneau, D. Ernst, B. Boigelot and Q. Louvaux, Relaxation schemes for min max generalization in deterministic batch mode reinforcement learning, NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, 2011.
  9. A. Gomez-Exposito, A. Abur, P. Rousseaux, A. de la Villa Jaen and C. Gomez-Quiles, On the use of PMUs in power system state estimation, Proceedings of the 17th PSCC, 2011.
  10. A. Gomez-Exposito, A. de la Villa Jaen, C. Gomez-Quiles, P. Rousseaux and T. Van Cutsem, A taxonomy of multi-area state estimation methods, Electric Power Systems Research, 2011.
  11. A. Franci, G. Drion, L. Massotte, V. Seutin and R. Sepulchre, A balance between competitive and cooperative ion channel regulates neuronal excitability, arXiv: 1209.6445, 2012.
  12. A. Mauroy, P. Sacré and R. Sepulchre, Kick synchronization versus diffusive synchronization, arXiv:1209.4970, 2012.
  13. M. Haijan, W. Rosehart, M. Glavic, H. Zareipour and T. Van Cutsem, Linearized power flow equations based predictive control of transmission voltages, Proceedings of the 46th HICSS (to appear), 2013.
  14. B. Otomega, M. Glavic and T. Van Cutsem, Wide-area adaptive load shedding control to counteract voltage instability, Power Plant and Power Systems Control Conference , 2012.
  15. F. Haerynck et al., Polymorphisms in the lectin pathway genes as a possible cause of early chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization in cystic fibrosis patients, Human Immunology, 2012.
  16. K. C. Lødrup et al., Does pet ownership in infancy lead to asthma or allergy at school age? Pooled analysis of individual participant data from 11 European birth cohorts, PloS one, 2012.
  17. F. Maes, R. Fonteneau, L. Wehenkel and D. Ernst, Policy search in a space of simple closed-form formulas: towards interpretability of reinforcement learning, Discovery Science, 2012.

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