July 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
31.07.2013 (Wednesday) |
14.00 |
Seminar: Online Markov Decision Processes under Bandit Feedback |
Csaba Szepesvári (University of Alberta) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
29.07.2013 (Monday) |
10.30 |
PhD defense seminar: Contribution to Monte-Carlo Search |
David L. St-Pierre |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
04.07.2013 (Thursday) |
11.00 |
Seminar (organized jointly with GIGA): Interaction of NMDA receptor and pacemaking mechanisms in the midbrain dopaminergic neuron |
Alexey Kuznetsov (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) |
Meeting room GIGA neurosciences |
Info |
June 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
07.06.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Video Analytics: Extracting High-Level Information Based of Low-level Image Features |
Pierre-Marc Jodoin (University of Sherbrooke) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
May 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
31.05.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Understanding active network management in 40 minutes |
Damien Ernst (ULg) |
Room 2.93, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
17.05.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Model selection procedures for genome wide association studies |
Florian Frommlet (Medical University of Vienna, Austria) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
April 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
26.04.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Secure Operation of Sustainable Power Systems |
Hjörtur Jóhannsson (Center for Electric Power and Energy, Technical University of Denmark) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
22.04.2013 (Monday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: An introduction to the moment approach for optimal control |
Mathieu Claeys (LAAS-CNRS, France) |
R75, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
19.04.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Researches on Spatio-temporal modelling at the Geomatics Unit |
Roland Billen and Pierre Hallot (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
05.04.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: The Kantorovich Probability Metric and You |
Norm Ferns (Post-doctoral researcher at INRIA) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
March 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
29.03.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: System identification with missing data: A structured low-rank approximation approach |
Ivan Markovsky (VUB, Belgium) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
22.03.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Robust sequential learning and its application to the prediction of air quality and power consumption |
Gilles Stoltz (CNRS affiliated with ENS, Paris) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
15.03.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: CYTOMINE: Mining large-scale bioimaging data with randomized algorithms and modern software development methodologies |
Raphaël Marée (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
04. till 04.03.2013 (Monday) |
10.30 17.30 |
Workshop: Nonsmooth optimization in machine learning |
Michael Jordan, Johan Suykens and Francis Bach |
Salle académique, Place du 20 Août, 7 (Building A1) |
Info |
01.03.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Stochastic gradient descent on Riemannian manifolds |
Silvère Bonnabel (Mines ParisTech) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
February 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
25.02.2013 (Monday) |
17.30 |
PhD defense seminar: Regulation of Excitability, Pacemaking, and Bursting: Insights from Dopamine Neuron Electrophysiology |
Guillaume Drion (ULg) |
Amphi Stainier (CHU) |
Defense |
25.02.2013 (Monday) |
14.30 |
Seminar (joint seminar with GIGA neuroscience): Needy RL: A normative theory for state-dependent homeostatic regulation of value driven behavior |
Boris Gutkin (ENS - Paris) |
GIGA Neurosciences (L'amphi L. Fredericq au +5 de la tour GIGA) |
Info |
22.02.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: How Computing Exact Planar Invariance Kernels Could Help Wind Turbines Calm the Grid |
Barry G. Rawn (KUL, Leuven, Belgium) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
15.02.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Operation and planning of flexible distribution networks in a smart multi- energy grid context |
Pierluigi Mancarella (University of Manchester, UK) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Info |
11.02.2013 (Monday) |
14.30 |
PhD defense seminar: Trimming the complexity of Ranking by Pairwise Comparison |
Samuel Hiard (Montefiore, ULg) |
Room R7 (changed from R3), Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
08.02.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Economic assessment of distribution network planning: a practical approach |
Yannick Phulpin (EDF R & D) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
January 2013
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
22.01.2013 (Tuesday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Modeling and analysis of dynamical distribution networks |
Arjan van der Schaft (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
18.01.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Long-lasting neuronal desynchronization caused by coordinated reset neuromodulation |
Peter Tass (Research Center Juelich and University Hospital of Cologne) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
11.01.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: A Fine-Grained Distance Metric for Small Worlds |
Mark Crovella (Boston University) |
Room 02, Institute of Mathematics (B37) |
Slides |
04.01.2013 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Introduction to an operator-theoretic approach to dissipative systems |
Alexander Mauroy (UCSB) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
December 2012
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
20.12.2012 (Thursday) |
14.30 |
PhD thesis defense: Genomic association screening methodology for high-dimensional and complex data structures: Detecting n-Order Interactions |
Jestinah Mahachie John |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Defense |
20.12.2012 (Thursday) |
10.00 |
Mini-workshop: From Genetic Epidemiology to Personalized Medicine |
Florence Demenais and Marylyn D. Ritchie and Nuria Malats |
Auditore Leon Fredericq, +5, GIGA |
18.12.2012 (Tuesday) |
10.30 |
PhD thesis defense: Multi-row approaches to cutting plane generation |
Laurent Poirrier |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Defense |
14.12.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Robustness and accuracy of functional modules in integrated network analysis |
Gunnar W. Klau (CWI and VU University Amsterdam) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
November 2012
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
30.11.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Compressed Sensing and Discrete Optimization |
Marc Pfetsch (TU Darmstadt) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
23.11.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: From Rubik's to cryptography: a tour of computational challenges in the field |
Christophe Petit (UCL) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
19.11.2012 (Monday) |
14.00 |
Seminar (jointly organized with Cyclotron Research Centre): The cell cycle and the circadian clock : Dynamics of two coupled cellular rhythms |
Albert Goldbeter (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) |
Room R21, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
16.11.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Exact Optimization Methods in Theoretical Physics and Extensions |
Frauke Liers (FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
09.11.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Stabilization of an infinite-dimensional quantum stochastic system |
Ram Abhinav Somaraju (VUB) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
October 2012
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
26.10.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Predictive clustering and systems biology |
Saso Dzeroski (Jozef Stefan Institute Slovenia) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
25.10.2012 (Thursday) |
09.00 |
Event: Research Unit Day 2012 |
www2.ulg.ac.be/sshf/ |
Station Scientifique des Hautes Fagnes (SSHF) |
08. till 10.10.2012 (Monday to Wednesday) |
Kick-off meeting of the IAP DYSCO II |
05.10.2012 (Friday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Contraction analysis |
Fulvio Forni (ULg) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Slides |
September 2012
Date |
Time |
Event |
Speaker/Abstract |
Location |
Info |
24.09.2012 (Monday) |
14.30 |
PhD thesis defense: Mixtures of tree-structured probabilistic graphical models for density estimation in high dimensional spaces |
François Schnitzler (ULg) |
Room R3, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
Defense |
24.09.2012 (Monday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Sparsity in Learning |
Yves Grandvalet (Universite de Technologie de Compiegne) |
Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28) |
05.09.2012 (Wednesday) |
11.00 |
Seminar: Fast Classification Using Sparse Decision DAGs |
Djalel Benbouzid (Université Paris-Sud) |
Room R75, Montefiore Institute (B28) |